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Tag Archives: baby wearing

Over the Top! Tie Dye and Rainbows!

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Rainbows and Tie Dyes, Oh My!

It sort of hit me today, as I was playing with Margo at the playground today… Goldie was in a high back carry, in my Easycare rainbow wrap. Margo had her freshly tie dyed t-shirt from yesterday’s tie dying adventure. I had on these gypsie flowy pants… We were all fairly clean and properly shod… But, then I saw us in the reflection of some glass window and thought, ‘Oh man, we are just over the top today! Rainbows and tie dye!?!’. Oh my! Read the rest of this entry

A Dr. Sears Seminar… the Attachment Parent Guru!

While feeding her baby, who jumps in the picture with the famous Dr. Sears... Yes, that would be me!

While breastfeeding her baby, who should jump into the picture with the famous Dr. Sears… Yes, that would be me!  My friend Angie was there with her tiny little newborn, who is just under 3 weeks old.  Angie was chatting to Dr. Sears after his seminar and asked if she could have a picture, so of course, I barged in… only to realize halfway through posing that I was actually feeding Goldie in the Ergo baby carrier.   Read the rest of this entry

These Days of Love!

Love Baby Led Weaning!  Eating Chewing on some raw oregano from our garden.

Love Baby Led Weaning! Munching on some raw oregano from our garden.

Have you ever had a canker sore, you know, the ones inside your mouth, that are only the size of a small pea, but really feel like they’re the size of Texas?!   Read the rest of this entry

Road Trip (Relatively Speaking)

Free as a bird

Free as a bird

I need to start giving photo credits to my nearly 3 year old.  She took that picture with the kite… pretty nice one, I

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Wakey Shakey: I Can Play This Game!

They love each other to pieces...

They love each other to pieces…

The siren was ON this morning at 3:30AM!!!  ‘Ughhhhh…. (insert the most annoying whining noise you can imagine)…MOMMY, I WANT BOOBIES!’.  Oh man… this was the second morning in a row! Read the rest of this entry

Less Tummy Time, More Mummy Time

Can’t stop smootching her head!!!

Imagine this: You’re caravanning through the prairie because you’re a ancient tribe of nomadic hunters and all the mommies say, ‘Stop the train, our babies need tummy time!’.   Read the rest of this entry

Slingy Slingy Ding Dong: Make Your Own Baby Ring Sling

Ring Sling Baby

My first attempt: now it’s like a piece of clothing I put on every day!

Goldie was around 8 weeks old and I went to an attachment parent/babywearing mummy meet. I had her in a Hug-a-Bub, which is an Australian big wrappy thing, similar to the one they sell in America, the Moby.

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Baby Ring Slings and Elimination Communication Mini Fail

Baby Ring Sling

Finally: the ring sling… will have to wait until morning to try it out!

Each day we’re starting to feel more like normal human beings around here.   Read the rest of this entry

After All That, I Made a Baby Wrap

Wearing a newborn baby on your back

Oh, there’s a baby on my back!

What do you do with four meters of fabric that you bought on clearance and has been sitting in your cupboard for 2 years… Make a baby wrap! Read the rest of this entry

I Actually Use These Things: Baby Wearing Isn’t Just a Trend

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Mop mop mop…

Luckily, I vacuumed the house the day before we had our homebirth.  But, after two weeks of being at home and not leaving the house much… things were starting to look a bit crumby (think toddler mess).  Art took Margo out for a few hours, so I threw Goldie in the Hug-a-Bub and got busy, vacuuming and mopping the entire house.  Nice to have a clean, fresh house! Read the rest of this entry