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Over the Top! Tie Dye and Rainbows!

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Rainbows and Tie Dyes, Oh My!

It sort of hit me today, as I was playing with Margo at the playground today… Goldie was in a high back carry, in my Easycare rainbow wrap. Margo had her freshly tie dyed t-shirt from yesterday’s tie dying adventure. I had on these gypsie flowy pants… We were all fairly clean and properly shod… But, then I saw us in the reflection of some glass window and thought, ‘Oh man, we are just over the top today! Rainbows and tie dye!?!’. Oh my!

Nothing beats yesterday though… I was tie dying at this tie dying workshop put on by the Gold Coast City Council. This lady was running the workshop, it was her business called Aspiral Designs  and she was stoked to help with the wrap!  There was another friend of mine there with her babe wrapped on her back (she has an awesome parenting website, Parenting Central). I had Goldie on my back in the Ergo baby carrier and little babe started to fuss, so I flipped her to my front, stuck her on the boob WHILE painting the dye on the wrap!  We were frantically painting, trying not to spill dye, and semi-pay attention to what we were doing.  It was a busy place!  There were lots of people around and I had to concentrate on watching Margo AND on painting my wrap AND on keeping Goldie in an acceptable position for boobing.  It was a little tricky, but Goldie eventually fell asleep and the wrap turned out great 🙂

Back to the playground though, I don’t think I was scaring anyone though, even with my rainbow and tie dye. I happily struck up a conversation with the trendy young Maori mum, who was there with her two little kids.  We also had a quick chat with the close-to-retiring age cleaning lady at the shopping centre. It’s really nice to share the moment with whomever is around. Rainbows, trendy, frumpy, gypsy, goth, emo… It doesn’t really matter, does it 🙂  We all come from the same place ❤


The Tie Dye wrap, gosh I love this thing… and I also adore the little person squeezing my nose!


This is how we do it 🙂


About to unravel the beauty!


Taa Daa!

About katesurfs

Living on the Gold Coast of Australia with a toddler and a baby. Writing about my experiences with natural parenting, surfing, vegetarian living, elimination communication, breastfeeding natural remedies, yoga, meditation, Art of Living Foundation and life!

7 responses »

  1. I like! I need to have a tye dying experience with my 2 year old. She would love that.

    • It’s so min fun for kids! The lady at the booth said that kids under 4 do need a lot of help. But, I helped Margo make her shirt yesterday and she hasn’t taken it off in over a day… Hmmmm…

  2. It looks so well worth the effort you went through to have this beautiful colourful wrap…Love it and you can never have to much colour in your life, I wish had seen you walkin down the street…what a blessing it would be. Well done and Asprial Design are the best my daughter and I have become groupies for this beautiful woman’s business….LOVE It

  3. Fantastic wrap. What material did you use or did you dye a brand name wrap?

    • Glad you like it! I used 100% suiting linen from the fabric store. I’m not site about the dye, but you can buy it from the lady who did the workshop! The link is in the article, she makes it herself 🙂

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